While water is a renewable resource, Australia is the world's driest inhabited continent. To ensure that there is 'enough for all forever' we have to ensure that we curb wastage and manage our storage and use of water efficiently. Amaroo's
Stream Scene and
Catchment Management programs specifically address the important issue of water management.
Water conservation at Amaroo EEC
We have a mix of town water supply, bore water and rainwater at Amaroo. Thanks to a grant from Heritage Bank Community Branch and Progressive Community Crows Nest we have been able to install rainwater tanks and an efficient irrigation system, allowing us to maintain our gardens which are an essential teaching resource for the Centre.

Water conservation at home and in business
Environmentally positive water measures include fixing dripping taps and using water efficient shower heads. More hints for wise water use.
Sustainability in schools
The Queensland Sustainable Schools website can assist schools in all aspects of sustainability, including the development of a School Environment Management Plan (SEMP). The website has a specific section on water.