Amaroo EEC is situated in an area of remnant eucalypt woodland. The Regional Ecosystem designation for our immediate area is 12.8.14, meaning woodland with dominant species including Eucalyptus eugenioides, E. biturbinata, E. melliodora, Corymbia intermedia and E. crebra. Forest Oak (Allocasuarina torulosa) is a common understorey species, but there is also a sprinkling of dry rainforest plants, including Red Olive Plum (Elaedodendron australe), Native Olive (Notelaea microcarpa) and Orangebark (Denhamia bilocularis). This vegetation occurs on Cainozoic igneous rocks, especially basalt.
The list below is of plants and animals we have observed in our immediate local area. (The list is always expanding!)
We have also planted a vine scrub microforest.
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